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The Cyprus Salary Rating was headed by financiers and closed down fishermen

The Cyprus Salary Rating was headed by financiers and closed down fishermen

The Ministry of Finance of Cyprus has published data on gross wages of representatives of various sectors of the economy for 2019. This rating was headed by financiers and insurance agents, who received an average of 3425 euros per month, and closed agricultural workers and fishermen with 882 euros.

In second place in pretax income were mine and quarry workers with an average salary of 3,324 euros per month. In the field of electricity, fuel and air conditioning systems, the standard monthly income of the employee was 2815 euros. At 2793 euros earned officials, staff of the Ministry of Defense, municipalities and community administrations, as well as parastatal companies.

Cyprus agricultural workers and fishermen received the least for their work – 882 euros each.

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