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Affordable housing program in Cyprus want to add attractiveness

Affordable housing program in Cyprus want to add attractiveness

Minister of Interior of Cyprus Nikos Nouris presented a revised plan of affordable housing for vulnerable groups. The revision was based on the need to make its conditions more attractive, in particular for young families.

The head of the ministry explained that young couples had not shown the expected interest in resettlement opportunities in the mountainous areas of Cyprus covered by the housing scheme. In 16 months of its existence, only 28 applications were received, of which half were approved for the amount of 460,000 euros.

To make the program more attractive, it was decided to reduce the distance of housing from the urban area by 10 km – from 40 to 30.

It was also decided to increase the amount of financial support for those who decided to participate in the program: for young couples – from 30 000 to 40 000 euros; for people under 41 years with children – from 35 000 to 45 000 euros; for families with four or more children – from 40 000 to 50 000 euros; for one applicant – up to 20 000 euros.

The new scheme has also been expanded geographically: it covers the mountainous and remote areas of the island – Troodos, Akamas, Tillirias – and increases the number of communities covered from 128 to 259. A total of 131 more villages and 25,596 residents have joined the plan.

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