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The dark-skinned Jesus will soon appear on the altar of the British cathedral

The dark-skinned Jesus will soon appear on the altar of the British cathedral

A couple of days ago, the Archbishop of Canterbury wrote on Twitter that Jesus could not be white and reminded the public of His Middle Eastern origin.

Earlier in June, Sean King, a Black Lives Matter activist and former pastor, called for the demolition of the statues of Jesus Christ because the light-skinned Christ symbolizes the superiority of the white race.

Yesterday the British edition of The Daily Mail reported that an image of the Last Supper, where Jesus Christ is painted dark-skinned will be installed on the altar of St. Alban’s Cathedral.

The painting is based on the famous work by Leonardo da Vinci. The difference is that in the new version for the role of Christ posed Tafari Hinds of Jamaican origin. The author is Lorna May Wadsworth. She painted it in 2009. In the near future it is planned to place this work in the cathedral to support the movement for racial justice Black Lives Matter.

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