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Taxi drivers in Nicosia announced another strike

Taxi drivers in Nicosia announced another strike

The Association of Owners and Taxi Drivers of Nicosia announced the termination of transportation on December 7 from 7 a.m. – this is how the industry representatives want to once again draw attention of the public and the authorities to their problems.

As stated in the association, the industry suffers without proper support in the form of concrete, practical measures and the right policy decisions – and therefore “quickly and with mathematical precision is moving towards complete destruction”.

Cab drivers point out that over the past eight months, the difficulties faced by their professional community inevitably lead to problems with human resources, rolling stock and, as a result, continuity of services and their quality.

Let’s remind, in November cab drivers in Nicosia already carried out similar strike, but the desirable actions on the part of authorities, apparently, were not expected.

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