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Statisticians: tourist flow to Cyprus for the year decreased by 95.5%

Cypriot statisticians have summed up the results of tourism – once again they were disappointing. In January this year, the flow of tourists to the island decreased by 95.5% compared to January 2020, amounting to only 3,889 people.

The main supplier of tourists to Cyprus in the month was Greece: 48.4% of total visitors to the island came from there. Germany accounted for 8.8% of tourists, other countries – even less.
But at the same time the flow of tourists from Greece showed an annual decline of 79.5%, and from Germany – 79.7%.

Statisticians also estimated that in January 13,307 Cypriot residents returned from trips abroad (a year earlier 134,507, an increase of 90.1%). Residents returned mainly from Greece, Britain and Russia.

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