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Scientists vitamin D deficiency affects the severity of coronavirus flow

Scientists: vitamin D deficiency affects the severity of coronavirus flow

British scientists have found that vitamin D deficiency in the human body can lead to heavier coronavirus flow, according to the edition of Express.

The researchers analyzed daily reports on coronavirus convalescence and fatalities and saw that in the northern hemisphere, which is characterized by seasonal vitamin D deficiency, the mortality rate is higher. This gave them reason to propose the hypothesis that this type of avitaminosis is the dominant risk factor for severe coronavirus disease.

According to one of the researchers, Dr. Gareth Davies, vitamin D is critical to the immune system and helps prevent uncontrolled inflammation in the body.

A day, Davies reminded, an adult should consume 4000 IU of vitamin D, the dosage for underweight children and adults should be lower. Vitamin D supplements “should be the number one tactic in global strategies to combat the pandemic,” the scientist believes.

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