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Philanthropic bikers will send office equipment and teaching aids to Russian schools in Cyprus

Philanthropic bikers will send office equipment and teaching aids to Russian schools in Cyprus

Cyprus was among the nine countries whose Russian-speaking schools will receive material assistance from the Federation of Motorcycle Tourism of the Russian Federation, founded by the biker movement “Night Wolves”. It is reported by the Russian edition of OpenMedia referring to the Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations of the Moscow government.

The Moscow mayor’s office gave the bikers a target subsidy of 8.7 million rubles (about 100,000 euros) for financial assistance to Russian-language schools abroad. As explained by the director of the federation Evgeny Strogov, these funds will be used to purchase office equipment and teaching aids.

In addition to Cyprus, equipment and teaching aids will be sent to Russian schools in Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Moldova, Portugal, France and Estonia.

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