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One-third more vacancies in Cyprus during the quarter

One-third more vacancies in Cyprus during the quarter

In the third quarter of this year, there were 6,554 registered vacancies in the Cypriot labor market, according to Statistics Cyprus. Compared with the previous quarter, when the impact of the pandemic was most noticeable, the number of vacancies increased by more than a third (+2382 or 36.3%).

But the number of vacancies still remains lower than what was recorded during the same period of “pre-pandemic” 2019 – by 576, the statistician noted.

In the three months under review, vacancies accounted for 1.7% of the number of jobs in the Cypriot labor market. Most of the vacancies relative to their total number were recorded in IT and communications (3.2%), government agencies (2.3%), hospitality and catering (2.2%) and trade (2.1%).

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