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International trade in Cyprus lost 12% for the year

International trade in Cyprus lost 12% for the year

The trade deficit in Cyprus in January-September 2020 amounted to 3269.1 million euros – compared to 3746.5 million in the corresponding period in 2019. However, both components of this indicator – imports and exports – fell markedly in 2020, according to the Statistics Service of Cyprus.

Total imports of goods (from the EU member states and from other countries) for the reporting 9 months amounted to 5399.2 million euros – compared with 6156.7 million euros in January-September 2019, ie 12.3% less.

The total volume of goods exports in January-September 2020 amounted to 2130.1 million euros – compared to 2410.2 million for the first 9 months of 2019 (11.6% less).

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