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Elon Mask’s Dragon has reached the ISS

Elon Mask’s Dragon has reached the ISS

We did it, SpaceX!

This phrase was written yesterday on NASA’s Instagram page.

For the first time in the history of astronautics, NASA launched the first commercial spacecraft with two American pilots on board.

More than 2 million people watched the rocket launch live on Saturday. Already on Sunday, May 31, The SpaceX Dragon reached its destination and docked at the ISS (international Space Station). Now crew 63 has expanded to 5 members: Anatoly Ivanishin, Ivan Wagner, Chris Cassidy, Robert Benken, Doug Hurley.

American astronauts will spend up to 110 days on the orbit and return to Earth on Dragon.

This is a very important event for NASA, whose astronauts have been flying to the ISS on Russian spacecraft for almost ten years.

“Trampoline works!” – said Mask and laughed at a press conference on Saturday, remembering the joke of the General Director of “Roscosmos” Rogozin, who, back in 2014, said that Russia could refuse to bring American astronauts to the ISS, and advised the U.S. to use the trampoline.

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