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Eighth point a list of other valid reasons for leaving home

“Eighth point”: a list of “other valid reasons” for leaving home

The Cypriot Ministry of Health has clarified what is included in the list of “other valid reasons” for leaving the house on a permissive SMS – in the relevant list this item comes under number eight.

“The eighth point” includes:
1. Delivering the child to one of the divorced and separated parents.
2. Accompanying people with disabilities or chronic illnesses to medical treatment or wellness procedures.
3. Transportation of a soldier from home to a military camp and back.
4. Travel to and from international airports.
5. Work trips by farmers and cattlemen.
6. Travel by shelter employees to care for animals.
7. Visits to cemeteries.

The Ministry of Health reminds you that in all cases other than cemetery visits, supporting documents are required. In addition, you must carry identification with you.

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