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An elderly Cypriot will serve 6.5 years for importing drugs by mail

An elderly Cypriot will serve 6.5 years for importing drugs by mail

A 56-year-old Cypriot man was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for smuggling and possession of drugs – a man tried to order cannabis and ecstasy by mail.

In July 2018, customs and anti-drug officials found two parcels of drugs in the mail that arrived in Cyprus from another European country – one kilo of cannabis and the other two kilo of “weed” and 280 g of ecstasy tablets. The recipient was detained while attempting to pick up the first parcel from the Larnaca post office. Three days later, he went to the post office again, already accompanied by law enforcement officers, to receive the second parcel, the recipient of which was indicated. Both parcels were opened for record in his presence. A criminal case was opened over the smuggling and possession of drugs.

At the end of the trial, the 56-year-old defendant was found guilty and sentenced to 6.5 years in prison.

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