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Celebrating Christmas and not getting Covid #StayInYourBubble

Celebrating Christmas and not getting Covid: #StayInYourBubble

On the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays, the Cypriot Ministry of Health published instructions on how to celebrate and not get infected with coronavirus. One of the main recommendations is framed in the hashtag #StayInYourBubble – stay in a small social circle without going from “bubble” to “bubble”.

The Ministry of Health advises Cypriots to avoid travel unless absolutely necessary. If there are symptoms characteristic of COVID-19, you should stay home and see a doctor.
The holidays are best spent with a small stable group of family and friends (bubble), avoiding large crowds and interaction with other bubbles. “If you are not sure that the people present at the party are not carriers of the coronavirus, it is better to stay home and communicate with family and friends,” doctors recommend.

Social distancing and personal hygiene, thorough hand washing, airing rooms and wearing masks remain on trend.

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