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Starting in March, there will be more reasons to leave home via SMS

As of 1 March, Cyprus will see another relaxation of quarantine measures against the coronavirus – so the SMS authorisation system will change: more reasons for leaving home will be added, CNA reports.

Item 5 (help for people unable to look after themselves or isolated) will be amended to include the option “visit a home for the elderly or a centre for people with disabilities”.

Item 6 (exercise and sports activities in authorised places) will add the option of “visiting a sports centre or gym, dance school, sports school or nature trails for individual exercise”.

Item No. 2 (visiting a convenience store) will be added to hiking in outdoor markets.

Reason No. 9 now means not only wanting to visit a hairdresser or beauty salon but also going to a gallery or exhibition centre.

The other numbered message categories remain unchanged.

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