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Cypriots demand not to send ‘devil song’ to ESC 2021

Part of the Cypriot population is protesting against sending a song called “El Diablo” (The Devil) to ESC 2021. A group of citizens is demanding that the musical act be withdrawn from the competition because it allegedly offends the feelings of Christians and could create a negative reputation for the island abroad, according to Reporter.

The call centre of Cypriot broadcaster CyBC has already received a number of calls from unknown people threatening to blow up the state channel building in protest against “El Diablo”. A petition demanding the removal of the song from the competition has appeared online – more than 4,300 votes have been collected at the time of publication.

While the police search for “telephone terrorists”, the channel tries to explain to angry citizens that the “devil is not real” and the song is only about toxic relationships and Stockholm syndrome. The lyrical heroine, played by Elena Tsagrinou, wants to escape destructive love and metaphorically compares her partner to the devil.

Meanwhile, the far-right movement ELAM has issued a statement that it is unthinkable to send a song with such a title to international competition and called on CyBC to find a less scandalous substitute, which would have properly promoted the beautiful Mediterranean island at a European level.

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