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30. There is a plan in Cyprus to lower the speed limit in the cities

The Cypriot Road Safety Council is discussing the possibility of reducing the speed limit in cities to 30 km/h. As its chairwoman Elpida Epaminonda noted, the proposal is in line with the decision of the European Parliament adopted in 2011.

As an example, such a speed reduction is already introduced in Brussels and Stockholm, with the exception of a few streets. In Cyprus, by contrast, the 30 km limit has so far been applied very selectively – near schools, some important interchanges, as well as on certain stretches of streets in Nicosia and Limassol.

It is now proposed to introduce a limit of 30 km/h on most city streets. An exception could be made for places where drivers would not be able to reach higher speeds, as well as on four-lane highways.

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